Time: May 20, 2022 09:00 - 23:10 (GMT+8)

ETH Shanghai Web3 Summit

Sponsored and supported by Ethereum Foundation, ETH Shanghai marks the final upgrade before the merge of ETH 2.0. Web3 is the technological revolution of the internet, and Ethereum has become the preferred network protocol for most developers. ETH Shanghai is committed to promoting and encouraging more developers to join the global Web3 community. We invite intellectuals and developers to exchange their opinion on Web 3.0 global collaboration, Ethereum 2.0, decentralized Internet, NFT arts, and philosophy.

ETH Shanghai Hackathon

During the ETH Shanghai Web3 Summit, ETH Shanghai Committee will organize ETH Shanghai Hackathon as a core parallel session of the Summit.

ETH Shanghai Hackathon will encourage individuals to BUIDL, collaborate, and find creative solutions and use cases in the Web3 social sphere. With $140K+ in prize pool and dozens of industry partners, the Hackathon aims to create a rewarding development experience and new insights about how social networks and experiences unfold in Web3.

More Details

Summit Agenda

May 20, 2022 Morning (GMT+8)

May 20, 2022 Afternoon (GMT+8)

May 20, 2022 Evening (GMT+8)


All names arranged in no particular order

Terry Edward Branstad

Terry Edward Branstad

Former U.S. Ambassador to China (2017-2020)

Tin Pei Ling

Tin Pei Ling

CEO of Business China

Vitalik Buterin

Vitalik Buterin

co-founder of Ethereum

Joseph Lubin

Joseph Lubin

Founder & CEO of ConsenSys

Suji Yan

Suji Yan

Founder of Mask Network

Sam Williams

Sam Williams

Founder and CEO of Arweave

Wu Xiao

Wu Xiao

CEO of White Matrix & Founder of ChainlDE

Sandeep Nailwal

Sandeep Nailwal

Co-founder of Polygon Technology

Dalip Tyagi

Dalip Tyagi

SVP and Head of Developer Relations of Polygon Technology

Qidong Sun

Qidong Sun

Art Director of MadeIn

Illia Polosukhin

Illia Polosukhin

Co-founder of NEAR

Nathan Schneider

Nathan Schneider

Journalist, professor of Journalism at University of Colorado

Chen Qiufan

Chen Qiufan

Sci-fi Novelist

Ling Zhang

Ling Zhang

Managing Partner at Old Fashion Research

Zhe Sun

Zhe Sun

Professor at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

To Be Announced

To Be Announced


Zhixiong Pan

Zhixiong Pan

Co-Founder of ChainFeeds

Afra Wang

Afra Wang

Web3 Revolution Podcast Host

Xiang Yao

Xiang Yao

Founder of Primitives Lane

Hehe Shen

Hehe Shen

Head of Global Growth at Mask Network

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